Current date/time is Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:21 pm

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Members of Chosen Few are always expected to abide by the rules. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action taken by the Guild Masters that can include warning, demotion, suspension, or banishment from the guild. All disciplinary actions can be appealled by the infracting member, however after the appeal all actions are final.
This is a relaxed Social Guild. Maintaining "relaxed" is a core goal of the guild leadership, but maintaining "Social" is equally important. With that in mind, the following principles should be upheld by all guild members:

Be courteous to all players, regardless if they are fellow guild members, allies, or enemies. Insulting other players (guild member or otherwise) reflects badly upon the guild and will not be tolerated in any form. Respect is earned, courtesy must be given in order to maintain a friendly guild.

All guild members are expected to act maturely. You can be mature and still have fun.

Be cautious with your language. Occasional swearing is not allowed to occur in guild chat and is strongly discouraged; however should be completely curtailed in public. Also, be mindfull of the ages and temperments of other guild and group members before using any language which might offend.

Guild members are to always positively represent the guild. Professional behaviour reflects well on the guild, terrible behaviour reflects badly, and a bad reputation spreads faster than a good one.

No Cheating, Hacking, or Exploiting. If anyone is found to be in breach of any game policies you will be reported to Blizzard and removed from the Guild. No second chance.

Begging will not be tolerated. Just because other players are a higher level than you, does not mean they can always afford to help you. If you need something, kindly ask in guild chat, if someone can help you, they will, if not, do not keep asking.

Applying to another guild while a member of Chosen Few will be considered to be equivalent to a resignation from Chosen Few.